Your Purpose is Waiting on You

Have you or do you ever find yourself asking…”What is my purpose? How do I obtain my purpose”? We are sure that you answered “yes” and could relate to at least one of those questions. As a Therapist, I always find myself in conversations with people seeking a life filled and driven by purpose. We get the age-old questions “How do I find out what my purpose is”? Well, can I bust some myths and state some facts?
Myth 1: Purpose is something you seek.
Fact: The bible states that purpose was given to you before you were formed in your mother’s womb. ~Jeremiah 1:5
Myth 2: Purpose is hard to obtain.
Fact: Purpose is inside you. All you have to do is tap into it.
Today, I want to challenge you to stop seeking purpose and start seeking the Father, so He can give you the instructions to tap into purpose.
Remember this, “To gain access to purpose, you must tap into the presence of GOD”. ~Min. Shawndrika Cook
Prayer: Daddy, help us live this life with purpose, understand what you have purposed to do is already in us. Help us tab, maintain, and sustain the call on our lives. Allow us to be in a place to seek you always to gain another level of purpose. In Jesus Name! AMEN

The New Starts Here

Hey Readers!! I know… I know… It’s been a minute! I know I promised to do better, but life!!! I know.. No excuses and honestly there aren’t any. But, guess what?!? 2020 will soon be here and I will try this again. However, I am not waiting until 2020 to get here to start my new start. My new starts here today!!! Yes, today! Let me catch you all up on the great things that I have already started that will be incorporated into my 2020. I have started #squadgoals which is a group of women that I not only send encouraging messages to but also keep me accountable and consistent. Then, there is #dearfuturehusband365 with a brand new look and content. Last but not least DDC (Daddy Daughter Conversations). I figured out a way to share new content and be consistent. I am excited and it starts tomorrow. So get ready for great messages and an awesome year!


Prayer:  Daddy, as we continue to finish the things of this year, help us prepare for our next. Let us not get content in waiting on a new year to arrive before we put new year things into action. Let us put into action our new year things now. Remind us that our new starts here. Herewith, an open mind, heart, and faith to trust you more by losing control more often. In Jesus Name. Amen!


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