And Here I Am

 Dear Readers,

I have failed at the task of blogging regularly.  I have created unrealistic expectations based on the desire to be consistent.  I realize it’s been a year almost since I last wrote something.  What a shame!

This type of mentality is how we feel when it comes to our walk as a believer. We focus on the goal and expectations, instead of the wins. We emphasize the negative and our language reflects it. Then after we have vomited our negativity,  beat ourselves up, and wallow in the failure…sometimes to the point of depression or anxiety,  or both, we then ask Daddy where is he.

How dare we! But seriously…How dare we… Can I express that it’s not a dare? It’s being human.

There are times we are so focused on our spirit that we don’t realize we need to address our soul. Don’t get me wrong.  The spirit man is number one; however, we can’t neglect the other two parts of us (soul and physical)  and think we can be productive. 

Nowhere in the word does it say neglect your soul to the point that we don’t acknowledge, that it is part of us. The word says don’t allow it to be the ruler of who we are and how we operate. 

The soul helps us to express grace through our emotions, feelings, and intelligence.  It allows our human side to process what our spirit man already has a revelation of. 

I know you are like Shawndrika why are you telling us this?  Because someone needs to be freed from perfectionism and embrace grace.  Someone needs to stop holding themselves hostage to unforgiveness and forgive themselves.  Someone needs to acknowledge their emotions and feelings,  but not allow them to rule how they do life.  Sometimes life is not lifeing…sometimes our soul is running our life.

Prayer: Daddy help us to not be soul beings alone. Help us to recognize spaces where we have allowed our soul to rule, that we don’t make room for you and your guidance.  Be the light that lights our life when darkness tries to destroy us. Help us make room for your grace, love, and peace. In Jesus Name.  Amen 


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