2024 and More

 Happy New Year Readers!

It has been a while I know and that is because life has been lifeing. I have had so many changes and challenges while still trying to keep the faith that  Daddy says that it will all work together for my good and will bring him glory. But where is the glory in disappointment and delays? OOOO…. that just hit me like a ton of bricks.  I am sure I am not the only one who has asked that question at least once in their life. However, we are in a new year and you know the saying “new year, new me”! I don’t always agree with that, because there are some things from the previous year that I probably still need to work on in this new year. With that being said I am inviting you to come on a 21-day journey with me as I fast from personal things. I am doing something new and including a video with the blog. GOD is really creating this fast as I work on developing it. The fast will start January 22-February 12, 2024. I know you asking now Shawndrika what’s different about this fast, versus the one that I am doing with my church or small group. Well, this fast is personal. 

Let me explain, I have fasted on numerous occasions with my church, friends, and small group. Though it yielded some great fruit, it had me hyper-focused on dos and don’ts versus the GOD will and have your way. Let me be honest it didn’t feel personal. It didn’t feel like what I was giving up was a sacrifice that could move the heart of GOD to see how committed I was to making room for Him in the area(s) I didn’t trust him with. Yes, the Daniel fast is great, but because it’s one of the popular fasts it starts to feel like a cliche that we do as a church at the beginning of the year. Translation it is a routine to add to the many routines we already have. This fast creates a level of accountability and self-examination. It dives into a space of personal sacrifice on an individual level versus that of a collective, while still creating discipline, community, and consistency. This fast will make you evaluate how you trust and see GOD in this present moment and cause you to start your own record book with HIM. Listen, I am getting excited thinking about it. I am in a place where I have to take GOD out of my comfortable box of how I know Him and expand how He wants me to know Him. In other words, I can’t keep limiting my intimacy because I fear the process that comes with it. *So if you are curious about this fast join me on the 22nd and see if this is for you. If not that’s cool. However, I challenge you to check how you box GOD. Does your relationship with Daddy cause others to be curious about how to get to know Him? 

Prayer: Daddy, we thank you for this new year. Help us not to box you to our comfort level, allow us to meet you where you desire us to see you. Let us never become comfortable with our level of intimacy with you. Help us desire more of you in a world that is forever changing. In Jesus Name, AMEN

* To be a part of the fast you will have to go to my blogger page at: https://daddydaughterconversations.blogspot.com/

The Sense Available to You

Great Day Readers!I’m so excited to get back into the flow of blogging. A lot has happened and I’m ready to share the journey.

So, today I want to share this scripture from my devotion and the revelation with you. I am going to meditate on this for a while I challenge you to do the same.

“You made me; you created me. Now give me the sense to follow your commands”. Psalms 119:73 NLT

Did you read that? Listen, that scripture hit me like a ton of bricks. I feel a lot of us are book sense Christians, we read the Bible and try our best to follow the principles of it. But this scripture give a whole outlook on what sense we should have. It literally says that we should ask for the sense to follow GOD’s commands.

Proverbs 2:7 tells us that common sense is a gift. “He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest. He is a shield to those who walks with integrity”. NLT

This scripture reiterate what we need to add on from Ps 119:73. In other words common sense and the ability to be obedient to GOD is not in the actions its in the asking. When was the last time you asked Daddy to give you the sense to follow Him and the gift of common sense to sustain your walk with Him? I hope this bless you.

Chew on it and see how you can apply this to your now. It may be the missing piece to your next level, faith growth, miracle, increase, and breakthrough.

Prayer: Daddy today after reading these scriptures we realize that our ability to follow you and be Christ disciples is not in the actions its in the asking. Daddy we ask that you give us the sense to obey you and that you continue to offer the gift of common sense so we can maintain our obedience to you. In Jesus Name. Amen

I Am Worried

Hey Readers!!! 
I know it’s been a while and I promise you all have been on my mind, but life… I am sure you all can understand how life’s ups and downs can get you so off-tracked and discouraged that you start to place energy away from your assignment onto the things you should surrender to GOD.  As I prepare to celebrate another year around the sun and a new year. I find myself worrying about things I haven’t worried about in the past. I am worried about being a great daughter to an elderly parent as an only child. I am worried if I am prepared to deal with the single life for another year with no children. I am worried if I can deal with the ups and downs of life healthy.  These worries have had me up since 4:34 am this morning asking Daddy to come to the table with Jesus for a “Come to Jesus” meeting. I asked Daddy how did I get here. What did I do or go wrong when it comes to how I have been living life for Him and with Him? I was so frustrated to point that I stop speaking and surrendering, that I start asking for a word. You know what Daddy did?!? He gave me a word not once but twice. The first word he gave me is found in
 Proverbs 12:25 NLT ” Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up”. The TPT version says “Anxious fear brings depression, but a life-giving word of encouragement can do wonders to restore joy to the heart”.

Both versions address what I have been feeling, worry and anxiety, which leads to a place of depression and lack of joy. But what really got me was part B of the scripture “an encouraging word restores joy to the heart.” Listen!!! I almost lost it because I realize I was so busy dwelling in the cave of worry and anxiety that I was not making way for the encouraging word. The word that could restore me… The word that would cheer me up. David said it best in 1 Samuel 30:6 “And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.” 

There are times in our worry and anxious moments when we must encourage ourselves in GOD. This means we must surrender. Let’s focus on part B of that scripture using the word surrender. “David surrendered himself to the LORD his GOD.” That scripture and the action of David take on a whole other meaning of what we should do when it’s time for us to encourage ourselves. It reminds us that to truly be in a position of encouragement we must surrender… not just the things we don’t have handled, but the things we have a handle on. 

The second word came from an ex that is a friend. He struggles with his GOD relationship and from day one of us meeting I have prayed that he would have an encounter with GOD that would change his life and push him into his GOD destiny and healing. This morning he says to me:

“Hey, something told me to call you to give you this scripture Phillipians 4:13, I am sure you are familiar with what it says, but I am going to remind you what it says…You can do all things through Christ that strengthens you. This doesn’t include failure. So, no matter what you go going on, you are promised success”. Now I am on the phone with tears coming out of my eyes saying, ok Daddy you really do love me. Because he got out of his comfort zone just to be obedient to give me that word.  I want to encourage someone you may feel like your ability to encourage others may be in vain or you may be sowing seeds on bad ground, but let me tell you the process, the seeds, the wait, and obedience are so worth it. Mind-blowing blessings are on the way keep up the work and stay in the posture of surrendering. 

Today I challenge us to do three things 1) surrender EVERYTHING to GOD; 2) give an encouraging word to someone so you can have room to be encouraged; 3) trust the timing and promises of GOD. The wait may seem heavy; however, the fruit is great and worth the process (preaching to myself)

Prayer: Daddy we surrender all!!! All to you and the things you have in store for us. We surrender the things we think we have control of, and we make room for you. We expect you to handle everything that concerns us because you are not a man that you would lie to, and your words say we can trust you.  In Jesus’ Name. AMEN!

And This Happened

Great Day Readers! I hope that your Holy Week truly started the way for you to grow in your relationship with Daddy, be aware of the revelation of the cross, and create moments of closeness and manifestation of the presence of the Trinity. 

This morning doing my quiet time I came across this scripture. “Before you do anything, put your trust totally in God and not in yourself. Then every plan you make will succeed”. Proverbs 16:3 TPT That scripture hit me like a ton of bricks. Because it tells me the step I need to overcome the fear of failure, grow my faith, create guaranteed success, and how to continue to grow. The step is so simple it’s scary. The step is to TRUST TOTALLY IN GOD! I know what you are saying… Shawndrika dull! However, that one step is hard because it comes with three uncomfortable actions we must take: 1) surrender 2) lose control 3) obedience to the unknown (faith). I don’t know about you, but, I struggle in all three, especially when I need results like yesterday. Not only do I struggle with these three, but these things, are also inconsistent. When storms come, when issues arise, when things seem not to be working in your favor we must go back to the actions we must take which are the three steps listed above.  My prayer for us today is to trust Daddy at a level that those three things become easy in all areas of our life and not just the areas we are comfortable with doing them in.

 Prayer:  Daddy, thank you for giving us the step to guaranteed success. Help us to be able to do our part when it comes to trusting You. Let us be able to do these actions no matter if we are comfortable or uncomfortable in the situation, issue, or circumstance that we are trusting You in. In Jesus’ Name. AMEN!

Good Friday

Great Day Readers and Happy Good Friday!

This blog entry is going to be short and sweet and to the point. I really wanted to share with you my thoughts as we prepare for the end of Holy Week with Easter 2022 on Sunday. 

I’m sure some of you are like me in asking why is today called Good Friday? When we know that on this day thousands of years ago Jesus had been captured, beaten, and going from judgment hall to judgment hall while being mocked along the way. As I was praying I got the revelation, today is Good Friday because we see the fruit of Jesus manifesting like never before. We see the actions of his teachings being done by him. He became the ultimate example today.  We see scriptures come alive and principles he taught being put into action by the teacher. His journey to the cross and our access to eternal life started today. That’s why it’s Good Friday. What should today teach us? 1) The process of our assignment and yes is not about us. 2) Don’t get discouraged when it seems like everyone is against you on your way to your next. 3) Live out your Yes and enjoy the fruits that manifest from it. 4) If they keep looking for an excuse to justify their actions towards you remember that victory and freedom are yours. 5) Your silence speaks greater volumes than any action you could ever make. 6) GOD will fight your battles even when you can’t feel Him. 

May this short yet impactful message encourage you to see the actions of Christ on his way to the cross as a reminder of how great, good, and wonderful our Savior and Daddy are. 

Prayer: Daddy thank you for allowing your son to be the ultimate sacrifice for our eternal life. We take notice and create moments to encounter your love for us during this time. We understand that Holy week is a designated time for us to observe, remember, and rejoice over the process of your son’s yes. Yes to your will, word, and way, and his assignment of dying so I can have direct access to you. We don’t take this week or his assignment for granted. We rejoice at the fact that because he said yes, we in return have the power and authority to speak things that are not as though they are. We love you and we thank you for loving us first. In Jesus’ Name Amen! 

I Don’t Want to Be Gold

 Great Day DDC Readers! It’s the last day of Black History Month and I want to go out with a bang. As you know I am working on being more consistent with blogging, by at least writing a blog once a month. I thought today would be a perfect day to address something as we deal with what’s going on in the world. But, before we dive in I have a question for you. Have you checked out Jesus+Therapy, Sis on your favorite podcast platform? No, what are you waiting for? Just Click Jesus+Therapy, Sis, and join the conversation. Now, that the announcements are out the way. Let’s dive into the word and message.

So, currently, as I write this Urkinane and Russia are at a place of war. The news is reporting everything that is going on, and we see that there are some racial remarks being made. We also see that the African citizens of Urkinane are being denied the ability to get on trains or subways in order to get to a place of safety in Poland. I have a sister who is Jamaican and she reported that there are Jamaican students who are walking 14 hours with the HOPES to get to a safe place. Yes, the HOPE to get to a safe place! This breaks my heart that in 2022 racism continues to have a global reach in the midst of a major war. WOW! During my prayer and meditation time, I was reading my Bible plan, and this scripture 

1 Peter1:6-7 (TPT) came up and read me. 

“6May the thought of this cause you to jump for joy,  even though lately you’ve had to put up with the grief of many trials.  7But these only reveal the sterling core of your faith, which is far more valuable than gold that perishes, for even gold is refined by fire. Your authentic faith will result in even more praise, glory, and honor when Jesus the Anointed One is revealed”.

I know you are wondering what about this scripture read me. I am glad you ask. Let me break this down for you in verse 6 it says “even though lately you’ve had to put with the grief of many trials”. With everything that is going on in the world, the grief is thick and the trials of life seem to feel unbearable to me. It feels like GOD has forgotten about His word. That Daddy is not listening to His Daughter. It has really caused me to think… Am I valuable to Him, like He says I am, or am I making this up? However, verse 7 is the read “But these only reveal the sterling core of your faith, which is far more valuable than gold that perishes, for even gold is refined by fire. Your authentic faith will result in even more praise, glory, and honor when Jesus the Anointed One is revealed”. Did you see what I highlighted? The true read of this verse is the theme found in these two highlighted sessions. YOUR FAITH! These moments of grief and trials are to produce the purity of your faith in its most authentic form. This is not about the situation. This is not about the circumstances, people, or even the emotions and feelings you are feeling about it all. It’s about, you having the FAITH to trust Daddy.  Do you have the FAITH that no matter what trials, tribulations, or grief moments you endure that it will result in praise, glory, and honor to the Father!?! Receiving this revelation made my life change! It reminded me that what seems like a dark night is really a fire that creates another level of next level and FAITH in me! It makes the scripture Proverbs 30:5b more clear “Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning”. Listen the joy is found in the strengthening of our FAITH

So, don’t allow the grief and trial to derail you from the process of the fire. The fire’s job is to take your faith to the next level that you can experience the unmeasurable joy of the LORD.

Prayer: Daddy we thank you for the fire that we call trials and grief. We realize that these moments give way for the manifestation of next-level Faith that will produce praise, glory, and honor unto you.  You are might Daddy and though we may not see the trial and grief as a moment of Faith, we ask that you change our view and vision to see it that way. Let us respond to these moments knowing that you are about to take our Faith to the next level. Let us responds with joy and gladness in our hearts, trusting you in the process. In Jesus’ Name. AMEN!

She Reached The Hem of His Garment

Great Day Readers!!! 

Can you believe that January has almost ended and we are about to be in February and that I have done two entries this month?!? Let’s pray I keep it up! I am going to truly try as my life continues to create opportunities of demands and advancements. My declaration this year is to be consistent in all the assignments GOD has called me to. 

This morning I  sent out a text to the people that are in my inner circle about something so personal and vulnerable to me. It came after me preaching a message and honestly me realizing I had never said some things out loud about parts of my life as a wife. I had never openly and out loud admit that my bleeding was caused by a miscarriage because by the time we got to the doctor to see what was going on I was no longer pregnant. After taking pregnant tests prior. What do you do when you know something; however, your denial and others’ influence will tell you that you are lying to yourself? (That’s another topic for another day) Below is the message that I sent to my circle that I feel that you could benefit from. I hope that it blesses and frees you as it did me.

Good morning! Listen on yesterday I got to preach on the story of the woman with the issue of blood, it’s one of my favorite stories due to the fact I used to be her. No, I didn’t bleed for 12 years; however, the almost year of bleeding felt like forever. It created so many emotional trauma moments and increased my areas of fear. It causes me to question my existence and my womanhood. I was married at the time to an insensitive husband, who didn’t understand the fears that haunt me in my sleep. Not meeting his needs, realizing I had a miscarriage, and not knowing if or could I get pregnant again. I felt alone and isolated, ashamed, embarrassed, and scared. However, during my morning meditation, these scriptures spoke to me. 

God, I invite your searching gaze into my heart. Examine me through and through; find out everything that may be hidden within me. Put me to the test and sift through all my anxious cares. See if there is any path of pain I’m walking on, and lead me back to your glorious, everlasting way— the path that brings me back to you. Psalms 139:23‭-‬24 TPT

 He heals the wounds of every shattered heart. Psalms 147:3 TPT 

I know you are wondering how did those two scriptures speak to you. When I reflect back on that moment I remember the anxiety and depression I felt, “anxious thoughts and path of pain”. It wasn’t until I ask Daddy to search me that the second scripture started to manifest. I don’t know where you are in this journey called life. I don’t know if you are still in the first scripture or you experiencing the second. I just want to encourage you to stand still and allow Daddy (GOD) to heal you. Know I’m praying for you and I love you! Thank you for the honor to do both.

Even though that text was for my circle, that text was meant for you as well. You may not be in either place. You may be in a place where life is all good and you are progressing along in this journey; however, use this as a reminder when times get hard.

Prayer: Daddy thank you that even in the midst of adversity, disappointment, frustration, and confusion, you are there to search us, guide us, and heal us. You are there to remind us that you heal, you create wholeness, and you are at peace we just have to stand still long enough for you to search us. We love you and honor you. Thank you for being the one that creates ways out of no way. In Jesus Name! Amen

And It’s A New Year!

Great Day DDC Readers!!!

It’s been a while I know and every year I say I am going to do better with my blogging and engagement. Life has been somewhat a roller coaster in 2021. A lot of loss and a lot of life-changes that equate to grief. First of all, let me first say HAPPY NEW YEAR! Second, please check out season 1 of my newest project with my sister Jesus +Therapy, Sis Podcast ok, now that the announcements are out the way let’s get down to business.

The scripture that has been running through my head is something that I am sure most of you have heard and/or read “But don’t dwell on the past; don’t concentrate on what happened back then. Just look at something new I’m going to do now! In fact, it’s started already. Can’t you see it? Yes, I’m making a way through the wilderness, rivers in the desert”! FBV This bible verse speaks volumes on what our mindsets should be in 2022. For the last two years we have dealt with covid and can we be honest it ain’t going nowhere (yeah I know what I said and how I said it; however, you know the disclaimer, this blog is imperfect in grammar and open in heart thoughts). We are so caught up in trying to navigate the disappearance of it, that we are missing the moments of GOD’s newness in it. So, let’s break this scripture down so it can be a guide on how we are to navigate through 2022. 

1) We can’t allow the past to be the guide or map of our current. The past will always come up and the memories of the past may seem more powerful than present moments, however, the present is the gift we have to focus on. Let me summarize, don’t miss your growth because you think you have not learned from your past.

2) Focus on the new things that GOD is doing. Don’t allow your old to outweigh the new. 

3) Change your response and perception. Your ability to be open to a new vocabulary and to see things through GOD’s eyes will create a better perspective of what life really looks like. 

4) Be prepared to win! Winning comes with a process, don’t allow the process to discourage you from reaching and enjoying the win.

5) Don’t get comfortable. You should maintain a posture of discomfort at all times as you go through this year. If you feel yourself getting comfortable, do something uncomfortable so you will not stop growing in the things of GOD.

Prayer: Daddy thank you for this new year. Help us to be in a place of trusting you will all things and being ok with the new things you will do this year. Help us to see things from your perspective and not our own. In Jesus Name. AMEN!

Daughter’s Prayer

I wrote this four years ago I hope it blesses you like it blessed  me on today.

Lord teach me how to love the ones that hurt me, to forgive the ones that offend me, to pursue peace when I’m pissed; to move beyond the moment into the lifetime. Help me father to remember it’s not about me, but your kingdom. Help me to stop making temporary permanent, and please help me find words of wisdom, compassion, and understanding to give to the ones that refuse to hear my heart. Father create the atmosphere to rebuild the relationships I destroyed and rebuild me from relationships that destroyed me. Open my eyes to what you are showing me and let me not take this assignment in vain. Give me your presence that I may move at your pace, and father when I become impatient with the present task can you remind me of the future promises you have for me. Cover me father from my own ignorance and allow me to not be blinded by my own thoughts. Let me focus on your voice, walk in your faith, trust you at your word, and hold fast to your presence with the power of your love. Father I’m an available vessel waiting on your instructions and though I have a couple of cracks and there are places that I still don’t want to explore about me, hold my hand and remind me that you can use anything and anyone all we have to do is surrender to your will. In Jesus Name Amen! #teamlostforwords

He Has The Best Song

I love the Song of Solomon it is the most romantic book I have read in my life. To know the heart of a husband from courtship to engagement to the result of marriage. How he describes his bride and how she describes him. How they describe their love for one another and how she is so desperate to be in his presence. Not only is this book about a man and woman but can truly relate to how desperate we should be to be in the presence of GOD.

Song of Soloman 1:15-16


15 Behold, you are beautiful, my love;
    behold, you are beautiful;
    your eyes are doves.


16 Behold, you are beautiful, my beloved, truly delightful.

‪#‎DearFutureHusband‬ your personal love songs always make me smile. Thank you for taking the time to write the lyrics of your heart.

‪#‎DearFutureHusband‬ thank you for your support as I get my degrees. I know you are tired of graduations but I got to get this last 1.

‪#‎DearFutureHusband‬ I’m always willing to say yes all you have to do is ask.‪#‎helpmatelanguage‬

‪#‎DearFutureHusband‬ if you need to remember what love is always look at our marriage. God love us enough to put us together. ‪#‎tailormade‬

‪#‎DearFutureHusband‬ I love our secret codes, jokes, and language it makes it feel like we have our own world. ‪#‎theyarenotallowed‬

‪#‎DearFutureHusband‬ thank you for always taking time to pursue me like we just met yesterday. It feels good to be your new gf/wife everyday.

‪#‎DearFutureHusband‬ after 20 plus years of marriage I want to always have newlywed moments.. ‪#‎yourememberthattime‬

‪#‎DearFutureHusband‬ I hope every morning you see my text messages you know how grateful I am for you being in my life and the honor I feel in carrying your last name.

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