I Don’t Want to Be Gold

 Great Day DDC Readers! It’s the last day of Black History Month and I want to go out with a bang. As you know I am working on being more consistent with blogging, by at least writing a blog once a month. I thought today would be a perfect day to address something as we deal with what’s going on in the world. But, before we dive in I have a question for you. Have you checked out Jesus+Therapy, Sis on your favorite podcast platform? No, what are you waiting for? Just Click Jesus+Therapy, Sis, and join the conversation. Now, that the announcements are out the way. Let’s dive into the word and message.

So, currently, as I write this Urkinane and Russia are at a place of war. The news is reporting everything that is going on, and we see that there are some racial remarks being made. We also see that the African citizens of Urkinane are being denied the ability to get on trains or subways in order to get to a place of safety in Poland. I have a sister who is Jamaican and she reported that there are Jamaican students who are walking 14 hours with the HOPES to get to a safe place. Yes, the HOPE to get to a safe place! This breaks my heart that in 2022 racism continues to have a global reach in the midst of a major war. WOW! During my prayer and meditation time, I was reading my Bible plan, and this scripture 

1 Peter1:6-7 (TPT) came up and read me. 

“6May the thought of this cause you to jump for joy,  even though lately you’ve had to put up with the grief of many trials.  7But these only reveal the sterling core of your faith, which is far more valuable than gold that perishes, for even gold is refined by fire. Your authentic faith will result in even more praise, glory, and honor when Jesus the Anointed One is revealed”.

I know you are wondering what about this scripture read me. I am glad you ask. Let me break this down for you in verse 6 it says “even though lately you’ve had to put with the grief of many trials”. With everything that is going on in the world, the grief is thick and the trials of life seem to feel unbearable to me. It feels like GOD has forgotten about His word. That Daddy is not listening to His Daughter. It has really caused me to think… Am I valuable to Him, like He says I am, or am I making this up? However, verse 7 is the read “But these only reveal the sterling core of your faith, which is far more valuable than gold that perishes, for even gold is refined by fire. Your authentic faith will result in even more praise, glory, and honor when Jesus the Anointed One is revealed”. Did you see what I highlighted? The true read of this verse is the theme found in these two highlighted sessions. YOUR FAITH! These moments of grief and trials are to produce the purity of your faith in its most authentic form. This is not about the situation. This is not about the circumstances, people, or even the emotions and feelings you are feeling about it all. It’s about, you having the FAITH to trust Daddy.  Do you have the FAITH that no matter what trials, tribulations, or grief moments you endure that it will result in praise, glory, and honor to the Father!?! Receiving this revelation made my life change! It reminded me that what seems like a dark night is really a fire that creates another level of next level and FAITH in me! It makes the scripture Proverbs 30:5b more clear “Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning”. Listen the joy is found in the strengthening of our FAITH

So, don’t allow the grief and trial to derail you from the process of the fire. The fire’s job is to take your faith to the next level that you can experience the unmeasurable joy of the LORD.

Prayer: Daddy we thank you for the fire that we call trials and grief. We realize that these moments give way for the manifestation of next-level Faith that will produce praise, glory, and honor unto you.  You are might Daddy and though we may not see the trial and grief as a moment of Faith, we ask that you change our view and vision to see it that way. Let us respond to these moments knowing that you are about to take our Faith to the next level. Let us responds with joy and gladness in our hearts, trusting you in the process. In Jesus’ Name. AMEN!

I Don’t Want to Pray

 Great Day Readers!!!

I am sure you are seeing the title of this blog and are truly puzzled since the blog is based on conversations with GOD and prayer is conversations with GOD. So, I want to explain myself and get to the thoughts behind the title. On yesterday before we started the recording of our podcast Jesus+Therapy, Sis (check us out on Spotify and Youtube, make sure to like, share, follow, subscribe, hit the bell, and leave a comment) I told my sister I had got a text from one of our friends about an event called “The Gathering.” I looked at the website for the event saw several pastors and ministry leaders that I knew and I was like ok interesting. The friend was like you should be here sis. I told the friend that I did not see anything pulling me to come to the event. She was like you don’t know who these people are, I was like yes. She went on to state how some of the speakers were Generals in prayer and how they influenced her life. I was ok. She was like you don’t feel pulled sis 😲😲😲. I didn’t respond. Because to be honest no I didn’t feel pulled. I then made a statement to my sister before the recording ” I don’t want to pray”!

 I know what you are thinking and we did a whole podcast on my statement. Let me explain what I mean. There are people that are called to the place of intercession. They are passionate about interceding for others, praying, and going before the thorn to get all the heavens and experience GOD on so many levels.  Ya’ll that ain’t me. If I could be honest with you, my readers, I struggle to pray and this particular friend is a general in prayer. I mean she shifts atmospheres with her prayers, and she is passionate about that area. She even wrote a book about it and it is great. When I said, ” I don’t want to pray”, I simply mean that I don’t want to be so caught up in the experience of someone’s ability to pray a certain way that I don’t find my own way to talk to Daddy. I stated in the podcast that people pray from their prayer experience. Don’t believe me, let’s check the bible. Jesus prayed from the position of the savior, he was able to have an open and honest dialogue with Daddy about how he felt and what he was thinking. David prayed from a place of pay and wanting relief, which is why we see him being angry and then reminding himself that he has to focus on Daddy. The disciples prayed from a place of hope and intimacy because they had tangible encounters with GOD. The Children of Israel prayed from a place of promise and hope because they saw what GOD could do when they were obedient and sometimes even when they weren’t. So many times when we pray, we become so intimidated by the experience of others that the spirit of comparison takes over we find ourselves not wanting to pray. 

It’s not that I don’t love to pray, I do, however, there are times were my prayers, because of my experiences and my desires to go to another level where I find myself in a place of intercession. However, my passion and positions in that prayer time are to really just have a little talk with Jesus. I don’t want to find myself in a place of comparison with those that may have a deeper level of prayer, and feel the need to force myself to be there. To be that deep, to go through some experience that is really not mine to be able to be on their level. If I have to do what they do in order to GOD’s attention I am like this, I don’t want to pray.  

There are times in our lives as believers that we find ourselves in a position where we want GOD on another level, however, we want Him through our authentic experience. We don’t want to feel like we have to work to talk to GOD or that we have to do what everyone else is doing. We want to work our part in the body of Christ and not be judged or ridiculed that we don’t look like everyone else. I think this is why have people who were once saved saying they don’t want to do this anymore and why we have a generation that is not desiring GOD like past generations. 

Can I be honest? We make everything about GOD in religion impossible. That’s why I feel that body of Christ, Christians are always being judged and talked about. Between the rules of the various denominations and the attributes of what holiness looks like, it becomes overwhelming to want to connect with an untouchable GOD. It makes prayer a chore and not a conversation of intimacy and with the expectation of response. 

My prayer is that as you read this you realize that your prayer life is based on your personal experience with Christ and your relationship with Daddy. That you do not fall into the trap of comparison that it causes you to not want to pray or even respond in prayer when life creates situations beyond your understanding.

Prayer:  Daddy, help us to remember the principles of prayer and the goal to connect and communion with you. Helps us not to get caught up in another person’s experience that we must our own personal experience with you. Helps to see prayer as an exciting time to communicate with you and not a chore because it’s the job of what a believer is suppose to do. Help us not become intimidated by other’s experience or feel judged by their prayer growth. Let become motivation for us to want to communion with you more. In Jesus Name! AMEN

Out Pour of A Daughter’s Heart

Great Day Readers!!!

Today we will talk about a conversation I with Daddy concerning people and situations. There are times when we need to just vent and then listen to Daddy!

Daddy, I have to defend myself… I am tired of them talking about me!!! They don’t know.. they weren’t there!!! Why can’t they just accept my decision? Why do I feel the need to please them? Daddy… I gotta keep talking about it…It still bothers me… I know I forgave, he/she, them, and they…I know you told me to let go… But how?!? I have to have a dialogue with someone about it… UGH!!! Do I have to talk about it always? YES…I need to talk about it!! Daddy, t makes me analyze what I need to not do the next time. What I need to look for the next time. I am distracted, Daddy… by what the world has to offer… what goals I have to accomplish… the need to fit in…to show that I can…I did it, DADDY!!!… I am distracted, by what I haven’t accomplished…it should have been done about 5 years ago. See, here is the date in my journal… age 25.. married…26…practice in place….27….pregnant with 1st baby… see daddy (pointing at journal notes)…it’s right here…DADDY!!!!

Daughter, calm down! There is no need for a defense when I am your standard. They have no power on how my plan for your life will turn out! They don’t know the value of your testimony!  They don’t understand what I am doing through you! No need to defend what YOU Don’t even know! You don’t know my plan. You can’t even think like I do. We on two totally different pages. Stop defending yourself!  Find yourself in me and take refuge in what I have said in my word and watch me protect you! So, you feel the need to talk about it? Analyze what you did and did not do? Daughter why continue to talk about your past when I am presenting you with a new present! Every morning do not I breathe life into you??? What is there to talk about, but my promises and word? Nothing!!! What’s done is done!  What’s said is said!!  But the conversation you need to have is not with yourself, but me… I am listening.. I have the answers… no need to analyze when I have the answered. You need someone to talk to?!? You need to have meaningful dialogue?!?  I have the right person to have it with… ME!!! My Holy Spirit is speaking too!! This world has nothing to offer you!  What I possess for you is priceless and to get distracted with this world over my word is not what I called you to! I know you have heart’s desires that seem like that are simple and easy to accomplish. I know that you have things plan and written down. Yes, I told you in my word to write the vision and make it plain. But, never once did I give you a timeline. Time is something that I am never worried about. I control it! I know what “Perfect Time” looks like! Yes, your list has value to me, because it’s your heart’s desires, but the time you have set to accomplish them has no value. As a matter of fact, it sets limits, valueless standards, and leaves no room for me to take you beyond what you have set. So, stop being distracted with what this world has to offer and become distracted with my word…my presence…my peace..my joy…my personal promises to you…my plan for your life…my victory…my voice…my guidance and leadership in your life. Be distracted with growing my kingdom and telling someone about me. You have so much more to be distracted with besides “this list” you have created, which has placed you in a comfortable box…which creates a blockage to my glory and voice. So, let it go I got you. Today, make up in your mind to have no defense, dialogue, or distractions when I am your DADDY!!!

With Great expectation for us,


Prayer: Daddy, our prayer is simple today. Today we ask that you be LORD over our lives and create the path to our success. We let go of our control and we surrender all. In Jesus Name…AMEN

Soul Detox Prayer

Daddy, I realize I’m going backward and not forward.  My flesh is out ruling my spirit because I’ve given into it daily. I’ve allowed myself to be overcome with thoughts of what my flesh wants and not what you want for me. My heart is heavy and filled with emotions I can’t bare to carry or talk about. I feel so alone that I have reduced myself to the now fix, than the GOD fix. I’ve open doors you have shut and shut doors you have open; I’ve tainted them with my sinful nature just to numb the pain of the process. I ‘ve lost hope, faith, and trust in you because it seems as though you keep working in my later when I need you in my now. I’ve kept silent far too long Daddy, trying to have the faith of your word. I feel lost and confused and you are the only one I can turn to. The world and country I live in is more divided as ever, and it feels like your victory is but a distant memory. What can I say or do to get you to move on my behalf? My tongues feel traditional, my heart empty, and my prayers muffled. My soul is in need of a dexto from You. I find myself screaming Your name, pleading for the blood to cover every guilty stain. I try to stay under the umbrella of your mercy and grace, but then I find myself being out of place. I want you Daddy and all you called me to be. But right now this assignment of being me seems too heavy for me. To be your standard, daughter, and bride. To be the one that never gets caught up in her pride. To be strong in your strength, operate in your gifts, and yield to your will; is not a stroll in the park. Daddy my soul needs the reminder of your love manifested in my now and interrupting my later. My soul needs the reminder of Your why. Why do you want me, why do you need me, and why don’t you move in my timing? My soul needs your detox. The detox that clears my vision, restores my heart, guides me through the ups and downs, and shows me how to put me to the side. My soul needs the dexto of your joy, for you said in your word ” I can find strength in it.” You said it will be an exchange for my weakness. My soul needs your peace, for in it Your understanding will be released. I can see clearly now when your peace over takes me. Detox me Daddy for my soul is filled with thoughts of failure, fear, destruction, negativity, and hidden secrets. Remind me that your thoughts towards me are good, and so are the plans for my life. Remind me of the victorious victory of this fixed fight. DADDY DETOX ME!!! That my spirit man can be free in your liberty and my heart can show your love alone. DADDY DETOX ME!! So I won’t become intoxicated with the instant gratification of this world, caught up in the politics of this nation, and overwhelmed by the words of men that state you can’t and don’t exist. DADDY DETOX ME!! That others connected to me can remember they are joint heirs of Christ, there is no lack in their lives, and you are the supplier of all their needs. DADDY DETOX ME!! That my husband can find me working for your kingdom, and serving your people. DADDY DETOX ME!! So I can have the faith to speak life to dead situations, see miracles, signs, and wonders. DADDY DETOX ME!! that my heart never feels the weight of disappointment. DADDY DETOX ME so I can be and look like your daughter again because right now I feel alone and abandoned. DADDY DETOX ME!! DADDY DETOX ME, so I can feel your presence every morning and every day. DADDY DETOX ME!! DADDY DETOX ME, because I don’t know how much more my soul can take. DADDY DETOX ME so the enemy has no case against me. DADDY DETOX ME!! DADDY DETOX ME!! DADDY DETOX ME!!

In Jesus Name,



Daughter’s Prayer

I wrote this four years ago I hope it blesses you like it blessed  me on today.

Lord teach me how to love the ones that hurt me, to forgive the ones that offend me, to pursue peace when I’m pissed; to move beyond the moment into the lifetime. Help me father to remember it’s not about me, but your kingdom. Help me to stop making temporary permanent, and please help me find words of wisdom, compassion, and understanding to give to the ones that refuse to hear my heart. Father create the atmosphere to rebuild the relationships I destroyed and rebuild me from relationships that destroyed me. Open my eyes to what you are showing me and let me not take this assignment in vain. Give me your presence that I may move at your pace, and father when I become impatient with the present task can you remind me of the future promises you have for me. Cover me father from my own ignorance and allow me to not be blinded by my own thoughts. Let me focus on your voice, walk in your faith, trust you at your word, and hold fast to your presence with the power of your love. Father I’m an available vessel waiting on your instructions and though I have a couple of cracks and there are places that I still don’t want to explore about me, hold my hand and remind me that you can use anything and anyone all we have to do is surrender to your will. In Jesus Name Amen! #teamlostforwords

Your Position

Hello Readers!!!

So if you all don’t know the I have been working on her thesis and feeling like I am getting no where! But I read the Arise5 (the prophetic journal based on the Hebrew calendar.. check it out at: http://www.arise5.com)  and I am getting my strength back. But I want to encourage you like I was encourage. We are in the month of Tammuz which is one that is filled with great things and I am so excited to see them manifest. There where six things that really stuck out that we must be aware of and make part of our lives. 1. This is the season where GOD is going to show you areas in your life that you need to adjust in order to remain in his will and stay on the path that he has called you to. 2. Light. This is the season where your light will need to shine bright and this will happen by accepting and taking on the glory of GOD. This is done by being in his presence through prayer and worship. Ask GOD to take your worship to another level that His glory will be just as real to other as it is to you. 3. Delay (this one is for me) This is the month to celebrate the delays in your life, and know that they are the confirmations of GOD’s preparation for your victory and promotion. 4. Choice.In this seasoning choosing to accept the positive in negative situations is crucial. You must speak the word in faith this season when it comes to negativity. Celebrate the positive in your life. I hope she doesn’t mind but I love the fact that friend  was able to celebrate the healing of her son’s heart but not only that, when he had to be place back on oxygen for a while she stayed positive by say “it’s just for a moment”. That’s how we must response to negativity “IT’S JUST FOR A MOMENT,” and if we declare the word of the LORD it will be just for a second. 5. Vulnerable… OOOOOOO I know some of us have a hard time with this word but this is necessary in this season. We can’t be super heroes in handling those moments that seem overwhelming in our own strength, it’s time that you tap into … Say it with me Circle of Influence which brings me to my last point….6. Relationships. It’s time to look at your circle to make sure it’s still healthy, productive, functioning, and balance. I know it’s heart and hard to prune and add to our circle but in this season it is necessary. Make sure your circle doesn’t get stale and that you are open to new relationships.


Prayer: Daddy we thank you that we are in a season where life, light, delay, choices, vulnerability, and relationships are key essentials to how we function in this season. WE thank you that we have life in you, and you give us life more abundantly as we stay on the path that you called us to. Help us with every assignment that we encounter daily, that you may get the glory in our actions. Helps us seek your face always that your presence will become and remain real to us and your glory may be the light that the world sees in us. Daddy help us accept, rejoice, and understand your delay is not a denial only a setup for your blessings. Help us Daddy to make the right choice in this season. That we speak your word during negative situations and stand on the promise of your positive outcome. Daddy help us become vulnerable in our times of needs that we seek out help when we need it the most as well as accept the help of others. Help us Daddy to not only be givers but receivers. Some of us are quick to give and slow to receive, help us find balance in both areas. Last Daddy gives us the strength and the heart to let go of the relationships that don’t grow us, that paralyze us in hurt, disappointment, unforgiveness, and discouragement. Help us make room for new relationships and give us the wisdom in who to let in and out of our lives. Help us not to see the pruning process as a place of pain , but one of growth and healing. In Jesus Name. Amen!

The Statement

Hey blog readers it’s been a while since I post something but while on facebook I ran across a memory note that bless me all over again.

The note is titled: THE STATEMENT

So in a conversation that I had with a sister on tonight she brought out something that I never thought about. So may time in our time of repentance we make the statement “GOD forgive me for the decisions that I MADE.” As she was praying for me, she stated “GOD allow my sister to move past the statement I MADE, because YOU are the author and finisher of our life story.” NOW maybe you didn’t get the revelation of the statement, so let me break it down. SHE said that I MADE, BUT YOU ARE THE AUTHOR AND FINISHER of OUR LIFE STORY. Which means that there is no such thing as a “MADE” Decision. Ok. GOD is the creator of all, and in the word He gives us free-will, but that doesn’t cancel the fact that He created the situation to the decisions that we make. These same decisions that either set us up or out. Ok. I’m sorry I’m about to lose it over here. GOD knows what decisions that we are going to make as well as the outcome of how it will play out. Let me just say this, in order to be a victor you must receive the victory of YOUR LIFE STORY!

This bless me all over again!!! I was deep before marriage..lol But the point of this is that we have to realize the statements we make will never change the course to our GOD destination. There are two examples that come to mind from the Bible that really confirm how the statement of our decisions will not change our GOD destination. Come here Jonah. He decided that he was not going to do what GOD called him to do and despite his attempt to escape the assignment by verbally speaking his plan, he still ended on the shore of his GOD destination. Come here Peter… You told JESUS you would not deny him but you did it several time and you curse… But look at you being the disciple you were called to be leading nations to Christ!!! WE can make decision but despite our decisions we will get to the GOD destination. The question remains will you take the 40 year or 40 day journey???

Prayer: Daddy today we come to you to say thank you for being the author and finisher of our life story. We realize that no matter what decisions we make you will get us to Your destination. We thank you for forgiving us in our bad decision making that manifest disobedience, and giving us the opportunity to reach our GOD destination in your grace and mercy. Daddy we shift towards a mindset of obedience and we thank you that no matter what statement we make the result is we win in you. Daddy help stay the course of  your will. Help us warn off distractions that cause your voice to be drowned by the weight of this world and the worries of this life. Remind us Daddy that you are the provider and everything we need can and will be found in you. Daddy help us make the right statements over our life and speak only what you have spoke to us. Help us trust you and help us with our faith in you when things don’t look like what we think they should look like. Remind us that your timing is perfect and what you have in store for us is greater than any thing that we could even image or think.  In JESUS Name! AMEN


Do you know what today is?!? It’s  a great day to catch up on the things of GOD and what he is speaking into the earth. So this weekend is really special for the simple fact that today starts the celebration of the Passover. Now let me be honest I never thought I was worthy to celebrate Passover, I really thought it was for the chose people…The Jews, then the Holy Spirit convicted me by reminding me that I was part of the chosen people. Because of the Jesus died on the cross I have been adopted and chosen… Wow! I think sometimes (me especially) we forget that we get to reap the rewards and benefits of the original chosen people. It’s crazy that I have been surrounded by a Jewish family my whole life, thanks to my mom, but I never thought that I was worthy enough to really take part in what they were chosen to do. But thank GOD that his thoughts are not like mine and I have received the insight on the value of what being chosen brings. With all that being said let me just give you the great benefits of the Passover. First know that it starts today at sun down. During this time the Jews would say a blessing and feast together giving thanks for the death angel passing over them because of their obedience of putting the lamb’s blood over their door post. The crazy thing is that this celebration continues until Sunday! Three days of giving thanks and feasting together to celebrate GOD sparing the lives of those that were obedient. Now that you got the background let me get to the benefits. 1. It will cause humbleness to take place in your heart that will open the gates for GOD to move and answer your prayers. 2. Unity will take place. This will cause a movement to really seek after GOD for who he is, not what he has. 3. Healing will take place. So if you having issues in your body or believing GOD for healing for someone else know that this weekend, the manifestation of what you been praying for will happen before your very eyes. 4. You will be overtaken with joy. Yes, the Joy of the LORD will be your strength from this point forward and grow throughout the year. 5. There will be a shifting in the atmosphere. This will open the door to that unmeasurable favor and supernatural things happen for you. In other words, those “But GOD” moments. 6. You will increase in the authority and effectiveness of your prayer time. 6. Revival will spread in your home and destroy any hindrances that may be present. 7. Many people will find their calling and serve in their proper position. So if you are part of the group that feel like they still figuring out their calling or don’t know what it is… Guess what it’s about to be revealed on this weekend. 7. The nations will start to shift. This will start to take effect in the world and we will see the glory of GOD in the nations. 8.You start to live in abundance. That means that the lack in your life will turn into overflow and more than enough. 8. You will find yourself seeking GOD in unique and new ways. In other words, you will be out your comfort zone and “GOD limits.” Now let me be honest I don’t know if I can do a whole weekend of celebration… But I do know that on Sunday I am making an effort to get together as many people I can to break bread together and celebrate this great day. I want to make sure that I and those that are in my Circle of Influence are in a place that we are connected to the benefits of the Passover. To celebrate Passover to me is the best way to tell GOD I am ready to do all the things that come with being an adopted daughter and move in the things you have called your chosen people to do. To read more about the Passover please read To read more about the Passover please read 2 Chronicles Chapters 30-31.


Prayer: Daddy as we come to you today to celebrate the benefits of Passover as well as being adopted into your family we first want to thank you. Thank you that no matter what we have done you have a plan for us and that you have called us chosen. Thank you that you give us the opportunity to celebrate you and all you have done for us. Thank you that in you we have our being and that there is nothing that can separate us from your love but our ability to deny it. Thank you that the benefits of being part of your family is not just the ability to talk to you and seek your face, but also to unite with our other family members and break bread together to celebrate the great things you have done for us. Thank you Daddy that on this weekend we get to experience you in a new way and that we will take advantage of the timing and season you have place us in. We love you and thank you for every moment we get to experience you on another level. In Jesus Name! AMEN!!!


This has been a week. It has been a week of constant fighting and constant trust in the word of GOD. For the last two years FEAR has been my biggest fight. The FEAR of failure, FEAR of rejection, FEAR of sacrifice, FEAR of not being loved or being able to love again, FEAR of not completing goals, FEAR of losing more than I can handle, FEAR of grieving, FEAR of the enemy, FEAR of me and ability to be successful, FEAR of the unknown, FEAR of losing, and most importantly FEAR of not being good enough. That’s a lot of FEAR I know and as I type this I feel the weight of FEAR being revealed and release off my life so let me keep typing. F.E.A.R. False Evidence Appearing Real. The word of GOD clearly states that GOD has not given us the spirit of FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) but has given the power, love, and sound mind (2Tim1:7 ) So why is the fight so great when it comes to FEAR? Why is it so great to the point it that it can manifest as  a spirit that can over take your mind even in your dream. That even in the places you see as your safety the spirit of FEAR continues to be ever present. For me it has manifested in my dreams. I can have pleasant dream and then the natural manifestation of FEAR comes in and I wake up to the enemy standing over me trying to over take me. But today I take on the art of fighting. The first thing we must due when facing fear is we must learn how to trust Daddy. So many times we cause our own fear by losing focus on what Daddy has told us to do. Disobedience will cause the door of FEAR to creep open. We must meditate on the word  that gives us simple instructions on how to focus: Fear not for I am with you. (Isa. 41:10) How can we take this instruction and apply it to our life? Well if Daddy told us that he is with us then we have nothing to lose. He also states that nothing can separate us from his love, (Romans 8:38) NOTHING. So when FEAR makes you feel like you have been separated from GOD know that this is just the trick of the enemy, because the only thing that separates you from Daddy is you. Now that you know that GOD is always with you, you have to trust the presence of his love. Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing. You have to trust the song that GOD sings over you know that it is one with great plans and it will restore your joy, give you peace, and allow you to know that he will always save you no matter what.  After you have trust him, dwell in his love, you next must operate an take your position of authority. First power you possess is your faith. Hebrew 11:1 For Faith is the confidence… We are going to stop right there. Faith is your confidence with it your can conquer everything! It causes you to speak with boldness and assurance that whatever you tell Daddy he will do, but also it allows you to cast down, destroy, and cancel the assignments, ambushes, and attacks of the enemy. Second remember your place, title, and position. Psalms 8:4-6 discusses our position and power:  “what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them? Yet you made them only a little lower than God  and crowned them with glory and honor. You gave them charge of everything you made, putting all things under their authority.” Let me encourage you some more about your power. Romans 8:11 states that the same power that raised Christ from the dead is the same power that lives inside of us. Wait so you mean to tell me that the same power that rolled the stone away, took off Jesus’s dead clothes, and clothed him with clothing of life lives in me?!?! Yep that’s what I am saying. So what power does FEAR really have but what you give it. So today let’s conquer this False Evidence Appearing Real that we  have given power to. Let’s stand in our true authority and rest in FAITH know that GOD will always make a way out of no way and he will do beyond what he said he would do. 

Prayer: Daddy thank you for always giving us the answers to our issues, situations, circumstances, and reminding us of our power, authority, and position in you. Daddy we thank you with that all we need is in you and that FEAR has no power over your love, joy, peace, and presence. We thank you that in our thanksgiving you take hold to our FEAR and create a yearning to have faith in your word, promises, will, and perfect timing. Daddy we thank you that on today that every thing that we labled or connected to FEAR is being destroyed and we relinquished the power of the enemy out and off our life. We will no longer feed the spirit of FEAR by submitting to it’s authority. We take the spirit of FEAR under our authority that we have due to our position of being the sons and daughters of the Most High, and we cast it to the pit of hell in which it was formed and we release the power of your love and trust in you GOD In JESUS NAME. We thank you Daddy that we shut down the gates of the enemy and we cancel every plan that has been formed to destroy us through the use of FEAR. We thank you DADDY that we declare victory and freedom from FEAR and we no longer yield to the authority of FEAR or the plans to FEAR. We sit, we taken in, and we continue to speak FAITH in our life. When things are unknown we speak FAITH that you will give us the wisdom and guidance that we need through your Holy Spirit to get to the destination that you called us to. When things seem uneased we speak your love, knowing that in your love you soothe all our issues and calm us with your peace.  Daddy we laugh at FEAR knowing that the reality of it’s manifestation is not real and that it can only have the power we allow it to have in our life. We thank you that all is well and FEAR is not some we submit to but something we have defeated in the art of fighting it with FAITH. In JESUS NAME. AMEN

The Benefits of Being Thankful

Good Tuesday Morning!!! I. I was reading my prophetic devotional  and it was talking about about dealing with the anti-Christ but today was really one that convicted me. It was talk about how to use Thanksfulness/Thanksgiving in order to fight and deal with the anti-Christ. Can I be honest I have found it difficult to be thankful when: I am so tired when it comes to my job, my singlehood, and just overall life status. I know the word says in all things give thanks and please know that’s my goal and that’s why this edition of the devotional convicted me with a passion to ask daddy for a vision of thankfulness. I realize that life will never go the way WE plan but thank GOD his plan is perfect. Thanksgiving and the heart of thanks opens doors for the more enough. When JESUS gave thanks for the five loaves of bread and two fish it went from feeding a little boy and his family to feeding 5,000 and they had leftover to take home. LEFTOVERS!!! Let me just settle right there. When we get to a place of thanksgiving with a thankful heart Daddy will allow us to have leftovers.. In other words the overflow is in your thankfulness. Let’s examine one more benefit of thankfulness. It causes Daddy to take on the issues of our heart. Phil.4:6-7″ Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” Not only does thankfulness meet my heart need, but it grants me the peace of GOD, a mindset to trust him in the things of my heart, protect me, and for GOD to make my issue his priority. In the words of my sister oh that preach right there!

Prayer: Daddy so many times we miss the moments to give you thanks dealing with us and our issues. We sit complaining, contemplating, comparing, and coercing things in our life to reflect what we think our life should be when we should be giving you thanks. Daddy forgive us for being in our will when all we had to do is take time and be in yours. Daddy forgive us for not always not having a heart and the speech of thankfulness. Daddy today want to take the time out and say thank. Thank you for being so great to us. Thank you for being our provider, provision, and promise keeper. Thank you for life, healthy, and strength. Thank you for your word that says I am more than a conqueror in you through Christ JESUS. Thank you Daddy that no matter what situation, circumstance, issue, or problem we will thank you first and tell you our heart next. But we will always thank you!! In JESUS NAME. AMEN!!!

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