Out Pour of A Daughter’s Heart

Great Day Readers!!!

Today we will talk about a conversation I with Daddy concerning people and situations. There are times when we need to just vent and then listen to Daddy!

Daddy, I have to defend myself… I am tired of them talking about me!!! They don’t know.. they weren’t there!!! Why can’t they just accept my decision? Why do I feel the need to please them? Daddy… I gotta keep talking about it…It still bothers me… I know I forgave, he/she, them, and they…I know you told me to let go… But how?!? I have to have a dialogue with someone about it… UGH!!! Do I have to talk about it always? YES…I need to talk about it!! Daddy, t makes me analyze what I need to not do the next time. What I need to look for the next time. I am distracted, Daddy… by what the world has to offer… what goals I have to accomplish… the need to fit in…to show that I can…I did it, DADDY!!!… I am distracted, by what I haven’t accomplished…it should have been done about 5 years ago. See, here is the date in my journal… age 25.. married…26…practice in place….27….pregnant with 1st baby… see daddy (pointing at journal notes)…it’s right here…DADDY!!!!

Daughter, calm down! There is no need for a defense when I am your standard. They have no power on how my plan for your life will turn out! They don’t know the value of your testimony!  They don’t understand what I am doing through you! No need to defend what YOU Don’t even know! You don’t know my plan. You can’t even think like I do. We on two totally different pages. Stop defending yourself!  Find yourself in me and take refuge in what I have said in my word and watch me protect you! So, you feel the need to talk about it? Analyze what you did and did not do? Daughter why continue to talk about your past when I am presenting you with a new present! Every morning do not I breathe life into you??? What is there to talk about, but my promises and word? Nothing!!! What’s done is done!  What’s said is said!!  But the conversation you need to have is not with yourself, but me… I am listening.. I have the answers… no need to analyze when I have the answered. You need someone to talk to?!? You need to have meaningful dialogue?!?  I have the right person to have it with… ME!!! My Holy Spirit is speaking too!! This world has nothing to offer you!  What I possess for you is priceless and to get distracted with this world over my word is not what I called you to! I know you have heart’s desires that seem like that are simple and easy to accomplish. I know that you have things plan and written down. Yes, I told you in my word to write the vision and make it plain. But, never once did I give you a timeline. Time is something that I am never worried about. I control it! I know what “Perfect Time” looks like! Yes, your list has value to me, because it’s your heart’s desires, but the time you have set to accomplish them has no value. As a matter of fact, it sets limits, valueless standards, and leaves no room for me to take you beyond what you have set. So, stop being distracted with what this world has to offer and become distracted with my word…my presence…my peace..my joy…my personal promises to you…my plan for your life…my victory…my voice…my guidance and leadership in your life. Be distracted with growing my kingdom and telling someone about me. You have so much more to be distracted with besides “this list” you have created, which has placed you in a comfortable box…which creates a blockage to my glory and voice. So, let it go I got you. Today, make up in your mind to have no defense, dialogue, or distractions when I am your DADDY!!!

With Great expectation for us,


Prayer: Daddy, our prayer is simple today. Today we ask that you be LORD over our lives and create the path to our success. We let go of our control and we surrender all. In Jesus Name…AMEN


I know it’s been a while and I do apologize. I am realizing that in order for this thing to really work you all need to hear from me.  So today you, my readers are my accountability partners. That’s right I have given you the task to email me at: shawndrikaLcook@gmail.com if you aren’t getting a blog once a week. See we must realize that we are meant to do life alone, and sometimes strangers, people we don’t know are for us will hold us accountable. So welcome ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNERS!

With that being said let’s talk about transition! So for the past 4 months, I have been in a place of total transition. I went from working a full 8-5 in my field, to leaving there and doing ministry full time!! Yep, ministry FULL TIME!!!  Now I know you are wondering what causes me to make this move. I mean I just passed my licensure examine only a year ago, I have not been a private practice therapist at all, and now I am in ministry. To answer the question of why, is simple, obedience. But, in my obedience, the walk and the focus of my next has been hard.  I find myself feeling lost, confused, out of place, ill-prepared,  hopeless, distraught, and discourage. Any negative feelings that a human being can express… This girl expressed them and more. I know you are wondering why did you experience all these negative emotions. I mean you were being obedient right? Well, here is the thing with obedience comes sacrifice, thought 1 Samuel 15:22  states, “Obedience is better than sacrifice”.  There is a sacrifice that comes with obedience. Maybe I shouldn’t say a sacrifice, there is a surrendering that comes with it. To some that surrendering position can feel like a sacrifice. I mean give up everything you know just to be submerged into something you know nothing about.

So, here I am in the 5th month of the transition and I am stuck! Yep, stuck like a truck in the mud. I am not writing this blog from a place of overcoming this time. This time I am writing to you while the process is still going. While I am still in the place of getting to the prize or the next that GOD has called me to. I am in that,  “I have to more trust GOD moments”, rather than “I will figure something out moments”. I’m at a place where I need the manifestation whether than being on ok with waiting for the manifestation.

I know someone who is reading this is wondering why am I telling the story as it is happening? Well. it’s because you need to know the process of transitioning. When you are in a place where the transition is not by choice, but assignment there are certain things you can’t control or deal with because you truly trust Daddy to guide your every step. For instance, I can’t control the demands that my assignment has on my life. I took a $2500 pay cut, yet I have not wanted for anything for real. I have tried to apply for a second job with the conviction that I couldn’t because of the demands of this assignment.

Why tell you the now of my transition for real?!? Because you need to know that transition is worth it!!! It’s worth leaving something that you do know for something you don’t know. It’s worth moving beyond you to get to Daddy. It’s worth the process… OOOOOO!!! That’s a word PROCESS!!! The process will be the foundation of your transition. How you see your process will determine how long you will stay in your transition. If you see your process as a burden, then your transition will last longer, because you are not able to receive the benefits of the process. But, if you see the process as a purpose, that it pushes you to your next, stretches you to another level in GOD, and betters your faith and trust in Daddy. Then the transition will be short and one that you can talk about as part of your testimony. Let me say this I don’t care what kind of transition you experience good or bad, no one likes the discomfort that comes with it. No one likes being in limbo where you aren’t sure what’s going on, but you know where you are going. No one likes looking at the preview of their promise and wondering when they will get there. These are the feelings of transition.

Today, I want to encourage someone to keep pressing in their transition!!! Keep enjoying the process no matter how uncomfortable it gets. Remember this transition is not about you, but about those who are looking at you. You are the only manifestation of GOD they may see! This is about your legacy, your future, your next…DON’T FORFEIT IT!!!

Prayer: Daddy transition is not easy. It can be uncomfortable and stressful if we don’t allow You to guide us. Today we say guide us!!! Open our ears to your instructions. Open our minds to the thoughts that you have towards us. Remind us that your thoughts towards us are good and they have the outcome of your perfection. Open our eyes that we don’t see things in the natural but in the spirit. Let us see the manifestation of the prayer that the Prophet Elisha prayed for his servant in 2 Kings 6:17, where he said: “LORD open his eyes so he can see”. Daddy open our eyes so we can see. Let us see your hand of protection and provision on us. Let us see your wisdom, knowledge, and understand. Let us see that your plan is great than our process. Daddy, help us with our words. Help us speak the words that line up with your will, word, and way. Let us not get so frustrated in this transition that we forget the power of our tongue. That we speak life when we feel like death is trying to overtake us. We respond to situations and people with a soft answer. Daddy, be our Jehovah Shalom and let us experience your peace like never before. Be Jehovah Jierha so we can know that you will provide and meet our needs and wants. Daddy, we thank you that we will be the examples we need to be during this time of transition. In JESUS name AMEN!!!


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