Happy New Year! Time To Apply The Lessons


I know it’s been a while and due to Corona my therapist calendar has been booked and continues to fill, as people start to realize that their mental health is not as healthy as they thought it was. Now can we have a moment of silence for 2020… Moment over!!! LOL Listen, if 2020 didn’t teach you anything it should have taught you the value of time and people. The whole world shut down as we tried to wrap our heads around this virus and the destruction it was causing on a global level. Also, we have to be aware of the time that was produced during these shutdowns. (I didn’t have that time as I worked as an at home essential work….a.k.a. “Therapy Life”). You know the time I am talking about. The time that we talked about during those busy workdays, traffic jams, and errand runs. You know the time we talked about when we said, ” I wish I had time to do__________ (you fill in the blank). Not only did we see time become more of something that we gain in 2020; we also saw the loss of valuable people in our lives. 2020, gave us the manifestation of death like never before. When I was watching the news, I heard a report refer to the death toll of 2020 as the biblical 12 plagues that the Egyptians faced while keeping the Israelites hostage. I can kinda agree. It did feel like the death of all deaths.

However, there was something that I heard in my spirit the whole time of 2020 as we endured so many losses and heartache. Are you ready for the revelation?  I heard the Holy Spirit ask me this one question… “Who ARE YOU”? I responded “A Daddy’s Girl. A Daughter of the Most High…then he reminded me of John 15:19 CEV “If you belonged to the world, its people would love you. But you don’t belong to the world. I have chosen you to leave the world behind, and that is why its people hate you. ” Despite all the losses we endured in 2020, those losses will never equate to the power we carry as children of Daddy. Even when it looks like we are losing we are winning. I need us to remember that as we go into 2021. Even when it looks like we are losing or things are not working out for our good due to the principles of the world, we can’t get fixated on it. We must realize that what the world is experiencing doesn’t apply to us. We are in this world, but not of this world. “Them principles don’t apply to us”! (LOL)

Prayer:  Daddy, we thank you for the constant reminders that no matter what happens around us, or in this world, in the end, it doesn’t apply to us. We thank you that because of your adoption we have the authority to tap into your power, favor, joy, peace, and grace. That even when the enemy thinks that we are losing, we still win, because everything works out for the good of those that trust you and follow you according to your word. In Jesus Name! AMEN


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