Good Friday

Great Day Readers and Happy Good Friday!

This blog entry is going to be short and sweet and to the point. I really wanted to share with you my thoughts as we prepare for the end of Holy Week with Easter 2022 on Sunday. 

I’m sure some of you are like me in asking why is today called Good Friday? When we know that on this day thousands of years ago Jesus had been captured, beaten, and going from judgment hall to judgment hall while being mocked along the way. As I was praying I got the revelation, today is Good Friday because we see the fruit of Jesus manifesting like never before. We see the actions of his teachings being done by him. He became the ultimate example today.  We see scriptures come alive and principles he taught being put into action by the teacher. His journey to the cross and our access to eternal life started today. That’s why it’s Good Friday. What should today teach us? 1) The process of our assignment and yes is not about us. 2) Don’t get discouraged when it seems like everyone is against you on your way to your next. 3) Live out your Yes and enjoy the fruits that manifest from it. 4) If they keep looking for an excuse to justify their actions towards you remember that victory and freedom are yours. 5) Your silence speaks greater volumes than any action you could ever make. 6) GOD will fight your battles even when you can’t feel Him. 

May this short yet impactful message encourage you to see the actions of Christ on his way to the cross as a reminder of how great, good, and wonderful our Savior and Daddy are. 

Prayer: Daddy thank you for allowing your son to be the ultimate sacrifice for our eternal life. We take notice and create moments to encounter your love for us during this time. We understand that Holy week is a designated time for us to observe, remember, and rejoice over the process of your son’s yes. Yes to your will, word, and way, and his assignment of dying so I can have direct access to you. We don’t take this week or his assignment for granted. We rejoice at the fact that because he said yes, we in return have the power and authority to speak things that are not as though they are. We love you and we thank you for loving us first. In Jesus’ Name Amen! 


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