Pick Me Up In The Spirit

So, the other day I was strolling through Instagram and I came upon this post that stated: “Check on your strong friends”.  I don’t know about you, but that statement hit a string in my spirit. Why? Because I am “The” strong friend. I am the friend that wakes up and prays in the middle of the night with you. The friend that you can lean on. The friend that is pushing, motivating and encouraging you to get to your next. I am “The Strong Friend”.  After seeing that post I had some thoughts come to my head. Well, technically the thoughts came after an emotion I had about two people I consider to be my best friends made me feel some kind of way. I have embarked on a new journey in my life that requires more than what I expected to give, honestly. This journey has caused me to be busier, but not busy at the same time.  (I know that sounds confusing…let me see if I can explain it better) It has caused me to be in a position of being on call with some flexibility. But, this doesn’t mean that I did not or don’t have time for my friends. After looking at pictures of them having fun on the weekend, it made me realize that these people that I have labeled best friends to the point to call them sister and brother, don’t pick me up in the spirit like I do them. They aren’t in tune with me like I am with them, and that made me really upset. Because, when they need me I am there, whether they verbally express it or I pick it up in my spirit.

Me having these feelings lead to a conversation I had with my little sister when I told her that my desire in this season is for someone, anyone in my circle to just pick me up in the spirit. I just want one person to say” I am praying for you. I am proud of you. Thank you for being a friend”. Something!! Then I was reminded of a scripture found in Philippians 4:14 ” Yet it was kind of you to share my trouble”.  (ESV) That scripture really spoke my heart. It caused me to be in a place where I had to evaluate my friends and even myself. Am I the friend that picks her friends up in the spirit? When I do, do I act in a way to cover them? Protect them? Heck, call and check on them? The answer to the last two questions is no. Why? I really can’t tell you the why behind it. But, what I can tell you is that I am striving to do better and have apologized to those that I have dropped after picking them up in the spirit.

Today, I want to challenge us to not only desire friends that pick us up in the spirit. But, to actually be the friend that executes the actions after we pick friends up in the spirit.

Prayer:  Daddy, thank you for building us to carry the weight of your Spirit in us. Thank you for allowing us to be in a position that we can pick up our friends. And that You have surrounded us with people that can pick us in the spirit as well. Daddy, help us be bold enough to act on the picking up. Help us be able to not only pick them up but actually call and check on them. Help us to be consistent in our check-ins and helps us maintain a connection that we can pick them up as often as needed. In Jesus name!!! AMEN!!!

P.S. Day 2 of #bloglikecrazy completed!!! Thank you for reading and coming on this journey with me.


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