The Three C’s

Good Morning Daddy! It’s been a while since we had a breakfast date. So glad that you are always available to have breakfast with me no matter how I treat you with my time. (SMH). Daddy I have been thinking about some things that I thought were good and now that I look at them I see they weren’t what I thought. I hear you daughter please go on and speak your soul… So Daddy I was looking at my life. I mean really looking at my life and how it is going. I don’t feel the attacks of the enemy, things are flowing in my life like I desire, and I feel peace. Now Daddy I am thinking to myself this is a great thing I mean a peaceful thing. Then I ready a devotion that shock my peace. It said: “If you are at a place of rest, then you can guarantee that your life has become comfortable. If you are comfortable you can bet that you  have surely rest in the arms of contentment, and if you rest in contentment, then complacency is the wedding band you wear. If you are are experiencing these three Cs then rest assure you have cause yourself from not growing to another level. Never marry the three Cs just enjoy them in the moment of preparation for your new promotion.” Daddy I read this thought over and over again trying to figure out why I kept getting this negative vibe. Then it dawn on me… I am married to the three Cs and I am not looking to grow. I like this place of peace, I like knowing what’s going on, that I can control or at least be able to handle life now. Daddy I’m good. So I thought….Then I realize this is uncomfortable. Being comfortable is uncomfortable….Daddy how is this so. How can being comfortable, resting in peace, being secure that life is life, and being productive in my box, be bad?????? Daddy help me understand this….. Daughter it is truly simple. If you are comfortable where do we get the chance to have discussion like this. Comfort equals your will and leaves no room for my will, communicating with me, or even allow me to take you to another level of trust in our relationship. You begin to trust me where you want to trust me and you create a routine in our relationship. There is no room for my supernatural to manifest, I can’t perform an miracles in your life, or grant you greater favor. When you become content you limited the anointing on your life. You say to me, Daddy that’s enough I don’t want to be refreshed, revived, or restored, don’t make me over,  as a matter of fact the grace and mercy you give me daily is good enough, I don’t particularly care for wisdom or even the fact that you want to use me outside of what I have already experience… I think my testimony is great as it is. I don’t feel like I need to build the kingdom any more, I don’t mind being selfish, I know it’s not about me and someone is depending on me to get through this moment, but Daddy you can find someone else.  And daughter do you know that complacency is the key to an open door for the enemy. If you are complacent you say to me, Daddy thanks for the protection this is enough. I know you calm the storm in my life last time but I can handle this one on my own. You limit me  and our relationship. You will not be able to see how I can be Jehovah Jireh, (your provider)  Jehovah Nissi (your banner of victory), Jehovah Rapha (your healer),  and Jehovah Shalom (your peace)… You will never know me as “I AM.” You say to me that the salvation of my son is good enough for you and you want no more to do with me. Conversations like this one is not necessary because I  can just read your word and get the answers, I don’t need a relationship with you GOD. You say to me you don’t want the intimacy we share, you want me to be Lord and  you Servant, nothing more or nothing less. Although your flesh dwells in the assurance of comfort, lives in the presence of contentment, and embraces complacency; these three Cs are unhealthy for your spirit man. They cause your spirit man to die and your flesh to rise, they open the opportunity  for the enemy to do whatever to you, whenever he wants to, and it is a no to my will and a yes to yours. So Daughter how do you feel about comfort, contentment,and complacency? Daddy not so good… Now daughter, know that I want you to experience comfort, but in me, I want you to be content that I am…”I AM” and that’s greater than anything you could be, and complacent  in the fact that my son is the true access that you need to get to me, and my Holy Spirit has direct instructions for you to do the will that I desire for you daily. Daughter, now that you know what the three Cs can do to our relationship what do you choose? How comfortable, content, and complacent are you? Daddy I am not. I want to just dwell, rest, and be assure that you are my comfort, contentment, and I am secure that I will always be complacent with you…Because in reality there is no complacency in you… You are always creating something new. Daughter you are so right, and right now I’m about to create a new thing in you starting with your heart…. I love you and thank you for inviting me to breakfast, I always look forward to spending time with you. Hope we can do this more often.


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